COVID-19 Protocols (Updated 1 July)
At the lake we have the benefit of being in the open air outdoors (which offers great natural ventilation), in the water (COVID is shown to be airborne, not waterborne) and with no large group classes. Lesson layouts, planning and equipment will be modified and used as necessary to encourage as much independence and physical distance as possible. As of July 1st, masks are now recommended inside only, with large outdoor gatherings allowed and sports returning to normal.
On top of our existing COVID safety plan protocols (now a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan) as outlined below, Mountain Kids Swim Lessons is working hard to reduce the risk of COVID transmission in a variety of ways. On the shoreline, Instructors will remain physically distanced from parents and swimmers while having discussions. During lessons, if swimmers have the ability to participate without close contact, Instructors will maintain their physical distance. Each Instructor will have their own set of equipment needed for each lesson, of which high contact items will be sanitized as necessary between lessons with a hard surface spray disinfectant. Swimmers may choose not to use equipment or toys if they bring their own.
To aid in promoting the independence of swimmers, Mountain Kids Swim Lessons has purchased new equipment (see photos above) to assist including two large 7.5 x 4 feet floating island mats, so that swimmers can swim from the shore to the mat, instead of the Instructor’s hands. These can also be used to teach skills that normally could not be practiced in the lake, such as jumping into deep water, learning how to climb out of the water at the edge, entering the water then turning around to return to safety, and being able to perform a front or back glide from an edge.
We will also be utilizing a training aid called Swim Fins for some parts of the lesson, which look like colored shark fins that swimmers wear on their back with 2 straps around their front. Unlike traditional puddle jumpers or lifejackets, these allow full range of movement of the arms and legs, and only support the swimmer as much as they need. They can be worn for all four competitive swim strokes and will help promote more confidence to swim independently a little further to reduce the need for close contact.
As agreed upon in the terms and conditions, and the waiver, please do not attend lessons if your swimmers show symptoms related to COVID 19, have been in close contact with a positive case, have been ordered to isolate, have been in a hot spot or travelled outside the country in the last 14 days. We appreciate your efforts to help keep our community safe and healthy.
Communicable Disease Prevention Plan
Mountain Kids Swim Lessons is committed to the health and safety of Instructors, Swimmers and their families. Please see the below guidelines that will be put in place this Summer for outdoor private lessons at Tie Lake. These have been updated in line with current guidelines as at 1 July 2021 and will be updated as necessary in line with changing provincial health orders.
All Swim Lessons will be private (1-2 swimmers from the same family or close bubble). This reduces risk from contact that would likely occur between swimmers in a group lesson.
Registration, payment and waiver signing will all be completed electronically in advance to reduce in person contact.
Physical distancing of 6 feet (2 meters) will be maintained during any discussion on the shoreline with parents/guardians and swimmers.
Personal items such as goggles, hats, towels, sunscreen, etc. are for personal use only and not to be shared outside of the family cohort. Please teach swimmers in advance how to put their own goggles on properly, to reduce close contact with their Instructor.
A parent/guardian is required to stay close-by for the duration of the lesson for safety, as well as providing assistance with physical contact in the water (as necessary). Lessons will be planned to avoid the need for close physical contact and utilise flotation supports as needed.
Each Instructor will have their own set of equipment needed for lessons and will be provided with hand sanitizer and sanitizing spray on the shoreline to be used as needed. Swimmers and/or their parent/guardian may choose not to use equipment or toys if they bring their own.